It was one of those days!

This is one of those pictures that was sent to me knowing that I am an Arborist.A warning?. Today I just checked out my chainsaw sharpening job at a place and ran into another guy. We reminisced about the gruesome fatalities we have known of. I will not go into them. Nothing like a meeting of two tree fallers in a chainsaw place.

In England there is an attempt to re-introduce this specie. It is being fought because of fishermen who fear the beaver will eat their fish. Even some of the experts have agreed. Utter stupidity of experts and why so much is miss-understood about animals. "Beavers will eat the fish." Bullocks.

They are opportunists and will eat dead fish, but they are not hunters of fish. Maybe, your European version (and where did they get the pups they introduced) are different than the N. American one.

Ours will eat whatever they can find in their habitat. This includes aspen, willow, alder, cottonwood and should an apple tree be nearby, that too might go.If they eat fish, it is usually dead fish found in the vicinity. I have never seen a beaver with a fishing pole, although I see a lot of two footed salmon killers.

Personally, I think we should Norplant (shoot with a birth control dart) all those fisher persons... not the beaver.

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